Thursday, April 26, 2007

We've Got Video!

Here is a quick sample clip of myself and Dan doing some self defense. It was made just to see how difficult it would be to do something like this. I hope to have many more in the future of KATA, SELF DEFENSE, WEAPONS, TESTS ETC. It's not the greatest but hopefully it will get better. I hope you like it. We will be signing autographs after class. HA HA
PG-13 This is a warning for some people that the music is a little "loud".
You can always watch it with the sound off :) Eojsensei

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Yellow !!

Sensei Justin Toporcer, Joshua Betz, Caleb Diltz, Master Joe Duda

Congratulations to our two newest yellow belts! You both did really good! The tests keep getting harder and harder, but you keep getting better and better. Keep working hard and remember that you only get better by practicing what you're having trouble with. You both work really hard and it shows. Keep setting a good example for what it takes to be a great YELLOW BELT!
:) Eojsensei